4th Grade
Hey , i’m gonna tell you about how 4th grade is. Its hard at first, but once you get used to it and know your schedule and every thing then you will like it.
I love 4th grade now , I hope you get the awsome teacher that I did . Have a great 4th grade year!
P.S if you had Mrs.Williams then you’ll want her back.
Pixel Art
Pixel Art
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Unicorn love!!! #springbreak#unicorn#donkey{idk why}#ThisIsSand
tiny duck
This is a sad and happy thing! I’ts happy because, he has now gained his wings and cancer free !
His family is in my prayers . I know this is hard for them but we will all get thru it . He had a blessed life .
I didint know him as well as others but I will keep him in my prayers every night ! White,Oak